2 years
By the age of 2, your child should be able to:
Points to simple body parts when asked (nose, mouth)
Follows simple commands and understands simple questions (roll the ball, kiss the baby)
Listens to simple stories, songs, and rhymes
Points to pictures in a book, when named
Understands simple prepositions (on/off, in/out, up/down)
Understands simple ‘what’ questions (what’s this?)
Understands yes/no
Shows interest in reading
Uses approximately 100-200 single words (no, teddy, mummy, daddy, up)
Says more words every month.
Puts two words together (more cookie)
Uses some pronouns (me, mine)
Uses words more often than gestures
Names common pictures and listens to stories
Answer yes/no questions
Matches pictures and objects
Matches colours
Will demonstrate pretend play (drinking from a cup, having a picnic)
Few single words
Limited number of new words being learnt
Not putting two words together in simple combinations
Cannot understand or follow simple instructions
Does not use objects when playing
Doesn’t understand or respond to simple questions