1 year
By the age of 1, your child should be able to:
Smile when sees you
Moves eyes in direction of sounds
Responds to changes in tone of your voice
Responds to their name
Pays attention to music
Enjoys games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
Listens when spoken to
Recognizes words for common items (cup, book, shoe, spoon)
Begins to respond to requests (come here, want more?)
Responds to ‘no’, ‘wait’ and ‘stop’
May point to objects or people
Babbling has both long and short groups of sounds (tata upup bibibibi)
Uses speech or noncrying sounds to get and keep attention
Uses gestures to communicate (waving, holding arms to be picked up)
Imitates different speech sounds
Has 5-10 (or more) consistent words (hi, dog, dada, mama) around first birthday, although sounds may not be clear
Copies actions that an adult does
Attempts to copy sounds that an adult makes
Uses eye contact
Is able to take turns in games
Anticipates what will happen next in a game (in games such as round, round the garden and this little piggy)
Little or no babbling
Does not respond to familiar voices
Shows no recognition of their own name
Shows little or no recognitions of names of common people objects and action words+